Following the death of his father, a young boy living on a lunar mining colony embarks on a thrilling expedition with his closest companions to uncover the secrets of a fabled crater. This adventure serves as their final exploration before bidding farewell to the Moon and transitioning to a new planet.
A team of archaeologists explores an ancient Egyptian pyramid, but they soon find themselves trapped and hunted by malevolent supernatural forces. As they delve deeper into the pyramid, they uncover dark secrets and face deadly creatures that threaten their lives. With no way out, they must fight to survive and escape the ancient tomb.
Villainous Vector must figure out how to get off the moon and return to Earth.
James M. Collier outlines his theories on the supposedly faked moon landing.
Think about this: to date, only three countries have been able to put a man merely in Earth orbit – the United States, Russia, and China. That speaks to how difficult it is just to get into orbit. Next, consider how far away the moon is from the Earth: 240,000 miles. Since the alleged moon landings, no country even claims to have gone more than 400 miles from Earth and that was in the Space Shuttle. The International Space Station orbits at 200 miles above Earth. There is a big difference between 240,000 miles and 400 miles. Why can’t anyone make it more than 400 miles from Earth today if we could make a 480,000 mile round trip in 1969?
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