Trapped is a psychological thriller film that follows the story of a research scientist who is kidnapped and held hostage in a remote cabin. The scientist's life is in danger as the kidnapper demands a ransom and holds her as a prisoner. With limited resources and time running out, she must find a way to escape and save herself.
Paraiso Travel follows the journey of a young Colombian named Marlon as he travels to the United States in search of a better life. Along the way, he faces numerous challenges and encounters love, danger, and the harsh reality of illegal immigration.
Las acacias is a minimalist road movie that follows a truck driver named Rubén as he reluctantly agrees to give a ride to a woman named Jacinta and her baby. As the journey progresses, Rubén and Jacinta begin to form a connection despite their initial differences, and they find solace and understanding in each other's presence. Set against the backdrop of the rural landscapes of South America, the film explores themes of human connection, solitude, and the bonds that can be formed through unlikely circumstances.
Millioniare Curran, thinking his son too intellectual, sends him west to learn logging at one of his lumber camps. Unknown to his father, Grant Curan is a professional wrestler and easily able to handle the thugs that attack him at the lumber camp. This enables him to stay on the job and he soon undercovers how his father is being cheated by the local boss.
June Martin is a dishwasher in a California logging camp boarding house. Steve Blake fights Jed Malone for her and loses, thus casting suspicion on himself when Malone dies under cloudy circumstances.
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