Lansky is a crime thriller film that delves into the untold true story of Meyer Lansky, the infamous mobster and mastermind behind organized crime. Set in Miami during the 1980s, the film follows a writer who befriends Lansky and gets pulled into a dangerous investigation involving Nazi spies, FBI surveillance, and a secret crime syndicate. As the timelines intertwine, Lansky's past and present collide, revealing the dark secrets and violent history of the man who ruled the underworld. With shocking twists and gripping suspense, Lansky is a thrilling tale of power, betrayal, and survival.
In 1920s New York City, a group of friends becomes entangled in the world of organized crime, as they navigate through violence, power struggles, and unlikely friendships.
Lucky Luciano chronicles the life of the notorious Italian-American gangster as he rises to power in the organized crime world. From his humble beginnings in Italy to his dominance in the New York crime scene, the film explores Luciano's entanglement with corrupt officials, rival gangs, and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Set against the backdrop of post-World War II Italy and the Sicilian invasion, Lucky Luciano delves into the world of organized crime, ambition, and betrayal.
Fade to Black is set in 1948 in Rome, Italy and follows the intriguing story of a filmmaker who becomes entangled in a murder case involving an actor. The film explores the world of politics, filmmaking, and the complexities of relationships. With elements of mystery and suspense, Fade to Black takes the audience on a captivating journey filled with deception and betrayal.
New York City is torn apart by an all-out mafia war. With brother Peter at his side, Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll blasts his way from streetfighter to kingpin in the dangerous world of organized crime.
Sir Harry Oakes, a wealthy British aristocrat is murdered by his son-in-law, revealing international intrigue and deception in the Bahamas before World War II.
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