Raining Stones follows the story of a man who is desperate to provide for his family in a working-class community. Faced with unemployment and financial difficulties, he embarks on a series of odd jobs and encounters various challenges that test his determination and dignity. With themes of social issues and class warfare, the film takes a poignant look at the struggles faced by those in lower-class society.
Turkey, after the 1980 military coup. In the notorious Diyarbakır prison, the prisoners decide to resist the torture. 14 July 1982 is the day when the biggest resistance starts.
Devil's Island is a comedy-drama film set in post-World War II Iceland, depicting the struggles of a poverty-stricken family. The story revolves around a dysfunctional family dealing with poverty, social outcasts, and lower-class conflicts. The plot takes a comedic turn when the family is invited to a wedding and experiences various misadventures. The film explores themes of family relationships, poverty, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Cairo 30 is a drama and romance movie set in Cairo, Egypt. It revolves around the lives of upper-class and lower-class characters, exploring themes of jealousy, friendship, love, social conflicts, and corruption. The story follows a university student who gets involved in a stage play and becomes embroiled in a series of events that reveal the stark differences between the privileged and the impoverished. As the plot unfolds, the characters navigate issues of marriage, poverty, and power struggles, all against the backdrop of a politically charged and revolution-driven Cairo.
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