Speechless is a sitcom that revolves around the DiMeo family, who have a special needs child named JJ. The show follows their adventures and struggles as they navigate through life with JJ, who is unable to speak due to his cerebral palsy. With the support of their loving family, the DiMeos face various challenges and work together to overcome them. Through a combination of humor and social consciousness, Speechless sheds light on the experiences of disabled individuals and their families in a heartwarming and comedic way.
David's world is suddenly disrupted when his birthmother contacts him after 18 years, wanting to meet her son.
In this hand-drawn animated adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic novel, miserly Scrooge is visited by spirits of Christmas past, present, and future, who help him find the true meaning of the holiday season.
Harry's Mad was a children's television programme that was shown in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on CITV from 4 January 1993 to 11 March 1996. It is based upon a book written by Dick King-Smith.
Close-Knit tells the story of a transgender woman, Tomo, who takes care of her young niece, Rinko, after her irresponsible mother abandons her. Together, they form a loving family and navigate the challenges of acceptance and understanding in a society that is not always tolerant. With the support of Tomo's boyfriend, a group of knitting friends, and a local nursing home, they find strength and love in unexpected places.
After the Akuma castle and clan were destroyed by Tokugawa Ieyasu in the year 1616, Vox Akuma tended to his wounds in a cave by the ocean until he was awoken by a savage hunger.
When his best friend dies of a heart attack, Ray Macklin becomes a man obsessed with his own mortality. Convinced that all his aches and pains are an indication of his imminent death, Ray's life turns into a slapstick farce of health-crazed anxiety and hypochondria.
A Filipino-American man grapples with the recent death of his beloved grandmother. When he receives her recipe book, he decides to recreate her Arroz Caldo in an attempt to finally connect to his Filipino heritage.
Idi and Rita live with their grandmother, Manie. Idi tries to keep the memories they have of their mother, by drawing on his school notebook. By the force of their desire, the children keep the link they have to their funny mother, despite the separation.
On the night of Richard’s 55th birthday, he summons his children to come celebrate as a family. Soon after celebrating with cake, Richard enacts a generational tradition that will change the children's lives forever. As the night unfolds, Michael, the youngest, tries to avoid the celebration to the best of his ability. Sarah, the oldest, questions the tradition they are about to take part in, and her role in it. While Robert, the middle child, gets progressively more irritated as the night unfolds, trying his best to make sure nobody ruins the night he’s been looking forward to his entire life. Mary becomes conflicted as to if she wants to initiate the tradition, while Richard is trying to make sure it doesn’t fall apart.
An ailing sister asks her older brother for a bedtime story.
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