This installment in the story of hard hitting femme fatale Lady Ninja Kasumi finds the heroine escorting a man to Ueda Castle and protect the deadly weapon he carries. Unfortunately, Hanzo knows about the power contained in Kasumi's precious cargo, and has sent a team of his own ninja's to steal it.
All but a prisoner in the exotic Malayan retreat she shares with her Chinese financier husband, Yuan Sing (Paul Lukas), British singer Sadie Merivale (Kay Walsh) begins a dangerous affair with nearby plantation owner Harold Marquess (Wallace Douglas). But when Sing discovers his wife’s betrayal, he plots to regain his honor by slowly torturing her lover to death.
In this color-tinted short, we first see a close-up of a red rose, perfectly formed. Then, we see the rose held by a young woman who is wearing a bright yellow dress. She's the second beauty. Behind her is a slow dissolve to the US flag, tinted in red, white, and blue, blowing in the wind. Behind the flag is a star-lit sky.
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