Degrassi is a Canadian teen drama series that follows the lives of high school students in Toronto. The show tackles a wide range of issues including alcoholism, eating disorders, teen issues, sexuality, bullying, and more. It explores the challenges and experiences faced by teenagers as they navigate through their high school years.
Over Her Dead Body is a romantic comedy about a woman named Kate who hires a psychic, Ashley, to communicate with her deceased fiancé. However, things take a turn when Kate starts to fall in love with Ashley, causing complications in both of their lives.
Hampton locals Avery, Frankie, Habtamu, Reid, Emelye, Hunter and Juliet have their eyes set on having the best summer of their lives, but tides change when city newcomer Ilan moves out there for the summer. Will Ilan make friends, or waves while trying to fit in? Can lifelong friendships survive the rough seas ahead? Pack your sunscreen, this summer is the hottest one yet!
Andy and the local fire chief fall for the same woman.
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