The Nutty Professor is a comedy film from 1963. The story revolves around a nerdy professor who creates a potion that transforms him into a suave ladies' man, but he starts to lose his true self in the process. Chaos ensues as he tries to balance his new persona with his old life, leading to hilarious situations and unexpected consequences.
In 'The Fat Man', a private detective is hired to investigate a murder that occurs during a cross-country manhunt. As he delves deeper into the case, he unravels a web of deception and violence, discovering unexpected connections along the way. With his wit and determination, the detective navigates through the world of gangsters, racetracks, and gourmet dining to solve the mystery. Will he be able to uncover the truth before it's too late?
A press sheet printed in Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World in 1928 put forth the suggestion that “people in the need of a good hearty laugh should take this opportunity of getting it” by seeing a newly released comedy by Warner Bros., suggestively entitled Beware of Married Men. Since director Archie Mayo (The Petrified Forest) helmed this feature during the dying days of the silent era, the studio sought to enhance its commercial viability by embellishing the shot-silent picture with a synchronized music and effects soundtrack using the Vitaphone sound-on-disc system. Ultimately, these efforts went for naught, as the picture failed at the box office and quickly disappeared from theaters.
Evelyn Vail (Florence Rice) is a nurse convicted of poisoning a patient. Out on parole, Evelyn decides to fly to Sing-Sing and confront death row inmate who accused her of the deed in the first place. On board the airliner, Evelyn makes the acquaintance of John Robinson Gordon (Nagel), who is transporting a revolutionary munitions formula to Washington, D.C. Another passenger, Baker (Robert Allen), complains of having been poisoned and leaves the plane during a stopover in Dallas. Back in the air, Gordon's bodyguard, Lieutenant O'Brien (Fred Kelsey), suffers the same fate, but this time the poison proves fatal. The plane returns to Dallas, where Police Captain Barrie (William B. Davidson) accused poor Evelyn of the crime. Happily, Gordon can prove otherwise and the real culprit is unmasked.
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