Set in a dystopian future, Kaiba follows the story of a young man with memory loss who embarks on a journey to recover his past. In this world, memories can be digitized and manipulated, allowing people to change their bodies and identities. As Kaiba explores different worlds and encounters various characters, he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the very fabric of this reality. With themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, Kaiba is a mesmerizing anime that delves into the complexities of memory and identity.
Twenty-five years ago, the world suddenly changed when monsters called “Dragons” appeared; seeking to ravage the earth and find mates. Over time, superhuman girls possessing the powers of the dragons, called “D girls” were born. Yuu Mononobe is the only male “D” in existence and is forced to enroll at Midgar - an academy for D girls. At the academy, he accidentally runs into Iris, a delinquent D girl, while she’s naked, and even reunites with this long lost sister, Mitsuki, whom he was separated with at birth. Will Iris and Yuu, the boy who is supposed to become the strongest assassin, be able to challenge the seven dragons that threaten to destroy the world?
Tarsilinha sets off on a journey to save her mother’s memory. The only way to do this is to find her mom's stolen keepsakes and overcome her own fears.
Collective experimental film by Team 8mm TENGOKU.
Collective experimental film by Team 8mm TENGOKU.
A reunion with old classmates after two decades triggers melancholy memories of a past love. Two decades on, the man is haunted by the ghosts of his unrequited love and a failed career, leaving him with a multitude of unanswered questions.
Duel Masters LOST is an alternative take on the 2022 Duel Masters WIN anime series that explores what would have happened if the protagonist, Win Kirifuda, had been defeated and lost his memories in the process.
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