Toto the Hero follows the story of a man named Toto who believes his life was switched at birth with his childhood friend. With a desire for revenge, Toto navigates through a world of magic realism and uncertainty, all while dealing with themes of love, jealousy, and the passage of time. As he unravels the mysteries of his past, Toto's journey takes unexpected turns, leading him to confront the truth about his identity and the people around him.
As Long as You've Got Your Health is a satirical comedy that follows the story of a group of characters dealing with various absurdities and challenges in modern life. From navigating air pollution and noisy jackhammers to lost shoes and nervousness, this anthology-style movie takes a humorous look at the struggles and idiosyncrasies of everyday existence.
An Englishman and a cabby try to save an heiress from murder in Spain.
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