When a young woman named Frances finds a lost handbag on the subway, she decides to return it to its rightful owner, a woman named Greta. However, Frances soon discovers that Greta is not who she seems to be. As Greta's obsession with Frances grows, Frances finds herself trapped in a terrifying situation, fighting for her life.
In Victorian England, two men use the same pseudonym, "Ernest," for their courtships. However, their secret is at risk of being exposed, causing a series of comedic complications and misunderstandings.
A stage magician, recently divorced from his wife and struggling to make ends meet, seeks revenge on his ex-wife and her new magician partner. As he plots his revenge, he becomes increasingly obsessed with illusions and magic tricks, leading to a series of mysterious and dangerous events. With a gripping plot and intense performances, 'The Mad Magician' is a thrilling drama filled with mystery and suspense.
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