In a dystopian world, a team of skilled warriors compete in a deadly sport to satisfy their craving for combat and revenge. Set in a desert wasteland, the movie follows their struggles as they battle in a sports arena, facing off against rival teams and overcoming various challenges. The story explores themes of survival, loyalty, and the limits of human endurance.
After being sexually assaulted and having her parents killed, a young woman seeks revenge on the perpetrators.
Goku is a detective who has an "eye of god", a mysterious group gave him this artificial eye that enables him to control any computer.
Suture is a psychological thriller about Clay Arlington, a wealthy man who is mistaken for his long-lost twin brother Vincent. As Clay tries to piece together his identity amidst a web of deceit, he becomes entangled in a dangerous game of impersonation and betrayal.
Body Bags is an anthology film consisting of three horror stories centered around a morgue. The film follows different characters who come into contact with the morgue and experience horrifying events. From a gas station attendant who encounters a serial murderer to a man losing his eye and receiving a transplant, Body Bags delivers chilling stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Learning of childhood friend Meihua's death, Lingling goes to Japan to find Meihua's sister, Meifeng. Brutal gangsters demand Lingling return an item Meihua stole, and hold Meifeng hostage. Old friends help Lingling confront the gang.
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