The Split is a neo-noir crime film set in Los Angeles, California. It follows a master thief who plans to rob an American Football stadium during a high-profile game. However, things take a deadly turn when a murder investigation, corrupt cops, and falling-out among thieves complicate the heist. With suspense and twists, the movie keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.
Wattstax is a documentary film that showcases the historic Wattstax music festival, held in 1972 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. The film captures the essence of the event, which was organized to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the Watts Riots, a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement. With powerful performances by renowned African-American artists such as Isaac Hayes, The Staple Singers, and Rufus Thomas, Wattstax highlights the struggles and triumphs of the African-American community in America. It celebrates the vibrant culture, soulful music, and collective pride of the black community.
16 Days of Glory is a documentary film that provides a behind-the-scenes look at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, showcasing the triumphs and challenges of athletes from around the world. With stunning visuals and captivating narration, the film captures the spirit of the Games and the legacy they left behind.
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