Totally Spies! follows the adventures of three high school girls, Sam, Clover, and Alex, who work as secret agents for WOOHP (World Organization of Human Protection). In between their high school lives, they go on exciting missions, using high-tech gadgets and their intelligence to save the world from evil villains. With their unique personalities and bond of friendship, they face various challenges and uncover hidden secrets while balancing their secret spy lives with their everyday teenage lives.
Emergency! is a TV show that follows the lives of the Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel, including firefighters, paramedics, and medical professionals. Set in the 1970s, it showcases the challenges they face while responding to medical emergencies, fires, and other disasters. With a mix of action, adventure, comedy, and drama, the show provides an entertaining and insightful look into the world of emergency responders in Los Angeles.
It follows the workings of an American jury trial through the eyes of Ronald Gladden, a juror who is unaware the entire case is fake. Everyone except him is an actor, and everything that happens is carefully planned.
240-Robert is an American drama series that ran on ABC from 1979 to 1981. The series title is a reference to the call-sign designation for the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department's search and rescue/paramedic teams.
The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez is a TV show that tells the heartbreaking true story of 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez, who was brutally abused and tortured to death by his mother and her boyfriend. The series explores the shocking details of Gabriel's abuse, the failures of the child welfare system, and the pursuit of justice for his tragic death.
A documentary about Traci Lords, one of the most popular American porn stars of the 1980s, who almost brought down the industry when it was discovered that she had been under 18 years old.
An exploration of the emergence of L.A.’s “underground” hip hop culture of the late 1990s-early 2000s, recounted first-hand by some of its architects: the creators of Club Elements. Every respected independent MC in the nation came through to Club Elements. This documentary chronicles that vibrant time in Los Angeles’ underground Hip Hop scene and shows a side of L.A.’s subculture that is responsible for an independent movement that spawned a slew of widely recognized and celebrated artists.
Atomic Cafe: The Noisiest Corner in J-Town is a documentary that explores the vibrant music and arts scene in downtown Los Angeles in the 1980s. It features interviews, archive footage, and showcases the subcultures of punk, ska, and pop culture that thrived in the area. The film delves into the history of the Atomic Cafe, a famous cafe in Little Tokyo known for its role in fostering creativity and community. Through interviews with the cafe owner and waitress, the documentary highlights the impact of this unique establishment on the arts district of downtown Los Angeles.
Documentary - From 1977 to 1981, multimedia artist Stephen Seemayer shot a Super-8mm movie of his creative friends in their unnatural habitat: the deserted industrial buildings of Downtown Los Angeles. His camera captured them at work and at play. - The Light Bob, Linda Frye Burnham, James Croak
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