In Oppenheimer, the film explores the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American scientist who played a pivotal role in developing the atomic bomb. The plot follows Oppenheimer's journey from his time as a young doctoral student to his appointment as the director of the Manhattan Project during World War II. The film delves into Oppenheimer's personal and political struggles, his encounters with influential scientists, and the moral dilemma he faced. Oppenheimer's story is told against the backdrop of the historical events and political climate of the time, highlighting the consequences of his groundbreaking work and the initiation of the nuclear arms race.
Uranium: Twisting the Dragon's Tail is a documentary TV show that delves into the history, science, and consequences of uranium. It explores topics such as nuclear power, radiation, and the development of nuclear weapons. The show also covers significant events like the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, as well as the Manhattan Project and the Cold War.
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a national hero, the brilliant scientist who during WWII led the scientific team that created the atomic bomb. But after the bomb brought the war to an end, in spite of his renown and his enormous achievement, America turned on him - humiliated and cast him aside. The question the film asks is, "Why?"
Physicist Ted Hall is recruited to join the Manhattan Project as a teenager and goes to Los Alamos with no idea what he'll be working on. When he learns the true nature of the weapon being designed, he fears the post-war risk of a nuclear holocaust and begins to pass significant information to the Soviet Union.
Infinity is a romantic drama that follows the life of physicist Richard Feynman and his wife Arline. Their love blossoms amidst the scientific experimentations and the race to build the atomic bomb. However, their happiness is tested when Arline is diagnosed with tuberculosis. Richard must confront the challenges of war, scientific research, and his own emotional struggles as he tries to save his love against all odds.
Our two-hour film highlights the life and career of Dr. Schreiber with respect and clarity. Raemer, his wife Marge, and young daughter Paula would move to the high-desert of New Mexico where he and other brilliant minds would change the world forever.
The triumphs and failures of the men and women who created the world's first atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. This the story of the men and women who worked on a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during the Second World War with First-hand accounts from the men and women who worked on the Manhattan Project and developed the atomic bomb at Los Alamos during the Second World War.
The Moment in Time documents the uncertain days of the beginning of World War II when it was feared the Nazis were developing the atomic bomb. The history of the bomb's development is traced through recollections of those who worked on what was known as "the gadget."
A documentary composed of historical footage and contemporary interviews from the men and women of Los Alamos, recalling their experiences of the community and the creation of the atomic bomb from the inception of the program in 1943.
Before the creation of the secret cities of Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Hanford, the Manhattan Project hired the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works of St. Louis to refine the first uranium used in the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. For the next two decades, Mallinckrodt continued its classified work for the Atomic Energy Commission during the Cold War. The resulting radioactive waste contaminated numerous locations in the St. Louis area some of which have not been cleaned up 70 years after the end of World War II. Told through the eyes of an overexposed worker, the story expands through a series of interviews that careen down a toxic pathway leading to a fiery terminus at a smoldering, radioactively-contaminated landfill. The First Secret City reveals a forgotten history and its continuing impact on the community in the 21st Century, uncovering past wrongdoing and documenting the renewed struggles to confront the issue.
Atomic Ed & the Black Hole tells the story of a scientist-turned-atomic junk collector known as Atomic Ed. More than 30 years ago, Ed quit his job making "better" atomic bombs and he began collecting what he calls "nuclear waste," non-radioactive high-tech discards from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. As the self-appointed curator of an unofficial museum of the nuclear age called "The Black Hole," Atomic Ed reveals and preserves a history of government waste that was literally thrown in a trash heap.
Formerly classified, this motion picture material documents Operation Tumbler Snapper, which detonated small yield atomic weapons to determine their effectiveness on troops, animals and buildings.
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