Lillie is a captivating TV mini-series that explores the life of Lillie Langtry, a British actress and mistress of King Edward VII. The show delves into her tumultuous love life, including her loveless marriage and forbidden affairs. Set against the backdrop of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Lillie is a captivating journey through history, scandal, and high society.
Viceroy's House is a gripping historical drama set in 1947, during the final days of British rule in India. It follows the true story of Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, as he and his wife oversee the transition of power from the British Empire to an independent India. The film also explores the interfaith love story between a Hindu servant and a Muslim translator, set against the backdrop of escalating religious and ethnic conflict. As the nation awaits independence, tensions rise and violence erupts, leading to the partition of India and the birth of Pakistan. Viceroy's House is a tale of love, destiny, and the seismic events that shaped the modern history of the Indian subcontinent.
Freedom at Midnight is the electrifying story of India's struggle for independence. Based on the bestselling book of the same name, it recounts the partition of India and Pakistan, and the religious and socio-political dynamics of the era.
Three Senior police officers in different parts of India, who, well aware of the intelligence that Gandhi’s life in under threat, must take key decisions that would eventually either save the Mahatma, or the country.
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