Set in post-war Germany in 1946, "The Aftermath" follows a British couple, Rachael and Lewis Morgan, as they move into a grand house in Hamburg. They are forced to share their new home with a German widower and his troubled daughter. Tensions rise as Rachael, still grieving the loss of their son, forms a surprising connection with the German widower, and their affair threatens to tear apart the already fragile peace in the aftermath of war.
The Current War (2017) tells the story of the epic rivalry between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse, as they compete to create a sustainable electrical system and power the world. Set in the late 19th century, the film explores their bitter feud, which escalates into a war known as the 'current war.' With their reputations and futures at stake, both inventors fight relentlessly as they navigate through the challenges of technology, business, and personal relationships.
Emily Blair is rich and deaf. Doctor Vance, who grew up poor in Blairtown, is working on a serum to cure deafness which he tries on Emily. It doesn't work. Her sister is carrying on an affair with her fiance Jeff. Vance tries a new serum which causes Emily to faint... Will it work this time?
Lucy Gallant is a woman who defies societal expectations and finds success in the male-dominated world of the Texas oil industry. Along the way, she also discovers love and faces challenges in her personal and professional life.
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