Lucie, a former captive, seeks revenge against the people who tormented her. With the help of her friend Anna, the two uncover a disturbing underground complex where women are tortured in the pursuit of transcendence. As they become victims themselves, Anna must endure a series of abuses and witness the horrific acts carried out by their captors. Eventually, Anna provides an account of the afterlife, leading to a shocking revelation and tragic consequences.
Love in the Time of Cholera (2007) follows the story of Florentino Ariza, a poet who falls in love with Fermina Daza. Despite their strong connection, Fermina marries another man. Florentino spends his life waiting for her, engaging in numerous affairs, and ultimately seeking to prove his love to her. The movie explores the themes of unrequited love, the passage of time, and the impact of societal expectations. Set against the backdrop of a cholera epidemic, it highlights the resilience of love in the face of challenging circumstances.
Kichiku: Banquet of the Beasts is a disturbing Japanese movie that follows the story of a man who becomes involved in a series of sadistic and horrifying events. It is filled with extreme violence, cruelty, and shocking scenes that push the boundaries of horror cinema. The protagonist finds himself trapped in a nightmarish world where he witnesses gruesome murders, mutilation, and acts of insanity.
Shaw Brothers drama.
Edgar thinks he finally has a plan that will force his lazy, mooching brother-in-law to get a job. First, Edgar has some friends help him to stage a fake heart attack. Then, while he is supposed to be recovering, he taps into a source of mystical will power to do the rest.
At a residence hotel, Patsy is moving in with Thelma. Thelma has prepared some rules, including singing whenever one feels quarrelsome or angry. Although Thelma tells Patsy that they'll share everything, there's precious little closet or drawer space for Patsy's clothes, little room to maneuver around Thelma in the bathroom, and then a sleepless night for Patsy when Thelma goes sleepwalking. Can they share and share alike, or will Patsy keep on singing?
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