The Twelve Kingdoms is a fantasy anime series where a high school girl, Yoko Nakajima, is transported to a parallel world and becomes the ruler of one of the twelve kingdoms. With the help of her advisors and magical creatures called kirin, Yoko must navigate the treacherous political landscape and face various challenges as she fulfills her destiny.
In an alternate fantasy world, the Demon King reigns with a formidable army led by his Four Heavenly Kings. One happens to be Uchimura Denosuke, a normal salaryman unexpectedly plucked from his mundane life by the Demon King himself. But even in this new realm, Uchimura is bestowed no particular powers. Can he survive treacherous missions with only the knowledge of an office worker?
Ivanhoe is a TV mini-series based on the novel of the same name. It follows the story of Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe as he navigates the political landscape of medieval England, battling against Prince John and his Saxon and Norman enemies. Along the way, Ivanhoe finds himself caught in a love triangle and must also confront his own identity and heritage.
When a brother and sister venture into a creepy house to search for their missing sister, they encounter a drug-dealing witch who turns people into cannibals. They must outsmart the witch and her succubus sidekick to rescue their sister and escape alive.
In this gothic horror drama, a 15-year-old girl named Laura meets and falls in love with a mysterious woman named Carmilla, who turns out to be a vampire. As Laura uncovers the truth about Carmilla's nature, she must confront her own sexual curiosity and navigate the secrets and dangers of their relationship.
Lady Godiva, a headstrong redhead, defies the Norman rulers of medieval England by riding naked through the streets of Coventry to protest against an arranged marriage. She becomes a symbol of rebellion and inspires a revolt among the Saxons against the Norman oppressors.
In 'The Caretaker,' a caretaker discovers a dark family secret while working in a spooky house. As she uncovers buried boxes and encounters ghostly occurrences, she begins to unravel the twisted history of the house and the family who once lived there. With each revelation, the caretaker's own sanity is called into question, leading to a chilling climax.
Beyond the City Limits is a crime comedy movie set in Los Angeles, where a group of friends plan and execute a heist involving a casino. The plot revolves around the themes of betrayal, double-cross, and female bonding. The story also touches upon the topics of drugs, bisexuality, and the Russian mafia. With a mix of action, comedy, and thriller elements, Beyond the City Limits offers an entertaining and exciting adventure.
After the death of her evangelist father, a young woman with a troubled past gets caught up in a dark and twisted world of violence, mental illness, and religious delusion. As she tries to come to terms with her own demons, she must confront an insane woman, a psycho killer, and her own increasing paranoia.
After her mother is murdered by her stepfather, gifted 15 year old student Pearl goes to live with an ex-lover of her mother, a grumpy unemployed film director who, pending the results of a paternity test, may be her biological father.
In this emotionally charged thriller, Harper is forced to face horrifying secrets of her childhood in order to give her daughter a better future. But how far will she go to forget the past?
Marion Ravinel is trapped in an abusive spousal relationship. She forms a plan with her husband's former lover to kill him. However, the outcome turns out to be more than she planned on as she begins to believe that her husband has come back from the dead to get her.
A documentary about the killing spree of Brenda Spencer, the 16-year-old schoolgirl who opened fire on a school playground in January 1979, killing two men and injuring eight children. Her only explanation of her actions was "I don't like Mondays". This incident was the first ever school shooting of its kind, and inspired the Boomtown Rats' number one hit song I Don't Like Mondays
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