On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
Join Thomas the Tank Engine and his train friends on their adventures as they learn valuable life lessons and solve problems together.
Stranded in 1955, Marty McFly learns about the death of Doc Brown in 1885 and must travel back in time to save him. With no fuel available, they must figure out how to escape the Old West before Emmett is killed.
Chuggington is a town where talking trains explore the railway, tunnels, and bridges. Follow the adorable locomotive characters as they learn valuable lessons about friendship and life.
In an alternate reality in Japan, railroads were the most popular form of travel and transportation. But the difference with these railways is that the trains were paired up with humanoid modules called “Railords.” Due to a popular new form of travel, the railroads were practically forgotten about and eventually, railways were discontinued…
State Alchemists, Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse, are targeted by a mysterious figure seeking revenge for their sins. As they struggle to protect themselves, the homunculi also resurface.
Railway-related documentary covering modern railway systems, museum railways and their facilities as well as items on model railway layouts. Politics and criticism is not left out; the series reports on closures, controversial model ideas, delays to reconstruction plans or smart commuter transport concepts.
In the midst of the Great Depression, a fearless hobo joins forces with a group of fellow tramps to defy a sadistic railroad conductor. As they navigate through dangerous train yards, treacherous rivers, and perilous train trestles, they must rely on their wit, strength, and camaraderie to survive. A thrilling adventure set in 1930s Oregon, USA.
During the American Civil War, a Southern engineer leads a locomotive chase to recover his stolen train, 'The General', from Union spies.
Featuring an all-star cast, the timeless story comes to life in this all-new, feature-length film filled with fun and adventure!
In Man of the West, a former outlaw is blackmailed into joining a gang for a train robbery. Along the way, he must confront his dark past and make choices that will determine his future.
When Thomas the Tank Engine discovers a mysterious gold dust that has the power to bring engines back to life, he must confront his haunted past and save the Magic Railroad from destruction.
A CIA agent and a Russian defector must team up to stop a terrorist plot involving a top-secret biological weapon. As they race against time, they face deceit, danger, and a relentless chase through a ski-resort.
A bullet train in Japan is hijacked by a group of blackmailers who demand a ransom. The police launch a frantic investigation to track down the culprits and save the passengers on board. As the train hurtles towards disaster, tensions rise and the passengers must confront their own fears and secrets.
In a world where humans can achieve immortality by replacing their bodies with robotic ones, a young boy named Tetsuro Hoshino embarks on a journey aboard the Galaxy Express 999, a train that travels through space. His goal is to obtain a mechanical body for himself and avenge his mother's death. Along the way, he encounters various individuals with their own stories and struggles, all while exploring the vastness of outer space.
At the end of WW2, a compassionate Dutch policeman helps smuggle a Jewish woman into British Palestine.
Captain Apache, an Apache Indian, is framed for the murder of a respected Army officer. Now, he must prove his innocence and find the real killer.
In a futuristic city, two robots work together to carry out a daring heist in order to escape their confined existence.
Red Planet Mars is about a scientist who makes a shocking discovery on Mars, leading to worldwide chaos and the search for communication with alien life.
A drifter accidentally becomes a bodyguard for a secret society and must navigate an amusement park game to protect a town from theft and harm.