The Nanny Diaries is a satirical movie set in New York City. It follows the story of a young nanny who takes a job caring for a wealthy couple's son on the Upper East Side. Along the way, she faces challenges, prejudice, and self-discovery as she navigates the complexities of the social class divide.
Barry is a college student who faces racism and struggles with his identity while attending Columbia University in the early 1980s. The movie explores his experiences and interactions with various characters, including his girlfriend, roommate, and a basketball game that helps shape his perspective. Barry's journey of self-discovery and his eventual rise to become Barack Obama is depicted in this film based on a true story.
A neurotic young New Yorker believes he has found his perfect match and desperately tries to win her over.
Rock Bottom chronicles the cosmic/comic misadventures of a girl undergoing a life crisis after she locks herself out of her apartment with no pants on and is thereby forced to confront her emotional, philosophical, and logistical problems.
Two competing hair care companies demonstrate their products on stage at a Helsinki amusement park, using celebrities from television, the hottest new media of the early 1960s.
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