Together is a comedy-drama movie that takes place during the COVID-19 lockdown. It follows the story of a couple who navigate their relationship while dealing with various challenges brought about by the pandemic. The movie explores themes of love, communication, and the effects of societal pressures on relationships.
Set five years on from the school days of director Stevan Filipovic's previous film Next to Me, a state of emergency exists and politicians are accused of capitalising on public anxiety around Covid-19, which makes the shocking situation that reunites the characters significantly more extreme. The story centres on Ksenija (newcomer Mina Nikolic), a driven young woman striving to move from tabloid hack to a career journalist in a world of click-bait headlines and showbiz scandals cooked up to feed the masses. Ksenija's personal and professional journey is hampered when Vera tests positive for Coronavirus and Ksenija must question how far she will bend to survive in a climate where political pressure is increasingly overt and can be said to capitalise on fear during the pandemic.
Featuring seven stories from seven auteurs from around the world, the film chronicles this unprecedented moment in time, and is a true love letter to the power of cinema and its storytellers.
A portrait of the Panahi family's matriarch as the pandemic makes it more difficult for intergenerational connection.
A short documentary about the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic in the UK. Only by listening to the stories of front line doctors, students, civil servants, business owners and people who have lost their loved ones throughout this time, will we truly be able to understand what matters the most.
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