The Bélier Family is a heartwarming comedy-drama set in rural France. Paula, a 16-year-old girl, is the only hearing member of her deaf family. Despite her responsibilities on their dairy farm, Paula discovers her exceptional talent for singing. Encouraged by her music teacher, she decides to audition for a prestigious singing competition. However, pursuing her dreams means leaving her family behind and facing various challenges. The movie explores themes of family, love, and self-discovery.
In Sicily, Mimi gets caught up in a web of deceit and betrayal as he navigates the dangerous world of the mafia and the communist party. With infidelity, seduction, and a touch of comedy, Mimi must find a way to survive and protect his secrets.
This Is Our Land follows the story of a nurse in a rural area of the north of France who becomes involved in a local election campaign led by a far-right political party. As she navigates the dark pasts and manipulative tactics of the party, she must also confront her own beliefs and values.
Life at the Top (1965) is a drama film based on a novel, following the story of a socialite dealing with class snobbery, infidelity, and her struggles in life.
Forest Giant follows the story of a factory worker who navigates through personal struggles, alcoholism, and the changing times in a small town in Finland from the 1980s to the 2010s.
Four Kilometers per Hour follows the amusing and chaotic events that unfold in a small town during a local election in Yugoslavia. With a mix of comedy and drama, the film takes a light-hearted approach to explore the intricacies and idiosyncrasies of small-town life.
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