The story follows Hime Arikawa, whose absent parents have left him saddled with a huge debt. After being saved from debt collectors by three girls on the student council, in exchange for paying off his debt, he agrees to spend the rest of his high school career dressed as a girl.
In Mahjong Nights, a group of people gather to play a high-stakes game of mahjong, but the night takes a dark turn as hidden tensions and secrets come to light. As the game unfolds, relationships are tested, debts are revealed, and the consequences become increasingly dangerous.
In the diverse and changing city of Riyadh, Fahad Algadaani, a mentally fragile man, must navigate underground subcultures and societal classes while working as a delivery app driver to save his father. MANDOOB is a gripping tale of desperation, pressure, and the search for solutions in a fast-moving world.
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