Ironweed follows the story of a drifter named Francis Phelan, who returns to his hometown of Albany, New York. He is haunted by his past, especially the death of his infant son. Francis battles alcoholism and struggles with guilt as he tries to mend his broken relationships, including with his wife. Set during the Great Depression, the film delves into themes of love, compassion, and the harsh realities faced by the homeless population.
Twenty-six year old Scott is living on the streets and trying to find his way back into society while on probation for petty crimes. He attempts to navigate his relationship with his two bit criminal of a boss and an enigmatic detective, while at the same time winning back the heart of his ex-girlfriend, a working single mom. Never having a mother or father himself, Scott discovers the true meaning of fatherhood.
Sons of the City is a coming of age drama set in Washington DC about Joe Young, an intelligent young man that begins to question his surroundings.
Unemployed car salesman Peter is encouraged by his girlfriend Cynthia to approach the head of a petrol company with his plan for making petrol stations more attractive to customers. When the man rejects the idea Peter joins a rival company and becomes a great success.
28-year-old Luna struggles to survive on the streets as she carries the burden of her childhood trauma.
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