Percy is a biographical drama based on the true story of a farmer named Percy Schmeiser. In 1998, Percy finds himself in a legal battle against the giant corporation Monsanto. The company accuses Percy of illegally using their patented genetically modified seeds. The story follows Percy as he fights for his livelihood and the rights of small farmers against the corporate Goliath. It explores the themes of corporate criticism, David versus Goliath, and the consequences of genetically modified organisms.
In 'Back to the Woods,' a man disguises himself as a Native American to avoid trouble from an English court. Chaos ensues as he gets involved with a Native American tribe, gets hit with a fish, and faces various comedic mishaps.
Hot Water follows the misadventures of a newly married couple on their wedding day, from a chaotic visit to a department store to a hilarious streetcar ride. As the day progresses, the couple encounters numerous obstacles and comedic situations, including a live turkey in a department store, a traffic ticket, and a ghostly apparition. With slapstick humor and a touch of romance, Hot Water showcases the comedic genius of its star, Harold Lloyd.
Join Nick, an adventurous cat, and his mouse companion on a journey through dreams and imagination as they celebrate Thanksgiving with their anthropomorphic food friends. Set in the Great Depression era, this animated movie explores themes of family, friendship, and the importance of gratitude.
The admiral is coming, so a sailor and his buddy hide their girlfriend and pet turkey.
The young trapeze artist Alma is part of the show of a miserable traveling circus. In an act of desperation, Alma commits incest with her father, a sick clown obsessed with the woman who abandoned them. Determined to have his child, Alma leaves the circus and joins a group of preachers led by Refugio, a woman who performs puppet shows with biblical passages in poor neighborhoods.
Charley has several dilemmas facing him at Christmas, all posed by his greedy, heartless landlord Noah and his family.
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