Sexual Predator is a suspenseful thriller that follows the story of an abusive father who becomes involved with a parole officer. As their relationship deepens, secrets are revealed and blackmail ensues, leading to a series of shocking events. The movie explores themes of lust, voyeurism, and violence, creating a gripping and intense viewing experience.
In the world of strippers and gigolos, a lady stripper and a gigolo make a promise not to let their work come between them. However, when they are faced with lust and temptation, their vow is put to the test.
Three childhood friends meet again many years later, a woman and two men. A triangle. In one corner, sex, in another, love, and in the middle ... the protagonist in a mess. Romantic and sentimental comedy about sex, love and its many complicated combinations.
A New York mafia boss who owns a nightclub blackmails the women. Among the nightclub girls is Lulu who discovers her friend Gina is being blackmailed. Gina aka Gilda another nightclub girl lives out a fantasy as her Idol Rita Hayworth and romances her limo driver and risks being discovered by her boyfriend.
A film in 5 segments. The first is about a trafficker who takes a German tourist to an illegal sex market in a working-class neighborhood. The second involves an elderly man courting a young adult film star. The third, a thief seduces a man's wife. The fourth involves an Italian immigrant in Germany who is fired and subsequently offered work as a porn actor. Finally the last segment involves a baron who convinces his wife into a swinging.
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