Blast of Silence is a gritty and atmospheric neo-noir crime thriller set in New York City. It follows the story of a hitman who returns to the city for a job during the Christmas season. As he navigates the dark streets and seedy underworld, he becomes entangled in a web of double-crosses, violence, and betrayal.
In 'The Singing Forest' a writer tormented by his dead wife's suicide has a difficult time finding love while his daughter engages in incestuous encounters with her stepfather. Meanwhile, a resistance fighter starts a relationship with a psychic who helps him uncover secrets from their past lives.
A teenage couple of disparate backgrounds experiences their first romance. She's a girl from a permissive California family; he's from a conservative midwestern family and has moved in with his sister on the West Coast after the death of his parents.
A young woman struggles to overcome the dehumanization of poverty.
Muriel, a writer nearing 50 whose older lover won't live with her in Paris, meets a man on a train - Samuel, an Arab. He's attracted to her and pursues her, dropping in, asserting himself. She's willing to connect. He's passionate, then boorish, then jealous and possessive. He seems fixed on "Who's the strongest?," while she wants respect and trust. She's self-possessed as well as sexually charged, willing to laugh, and alternately firm and forgiving. He has little money, no immigration papers, few prospects, and a gambling jag. What does each want, and why does she stick with it? Is this colonial strife, war between the sexes, or a love story?
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