Little Roquefort, a mouse living in a drugstore, is prepared to have a good time while the store is closed. Before he has a chance to eat his elaborately-concocted sundae, Precy, the cat, starts chasing him. The two have a battle that uses all of the merchandise in the drugstore as props. Roquefort, with the aid of some vanishing-cream, cause havoc for the cat, and finally ejects him from the store, and leaves himself in charge of the soda-fountain delights.
Percy the Cat informs Little Roquefort the Mouse that it is Friday the 13th and the day will involve a lot of bad luck for Roquefort. Percy then proves his statemnet by making life miserable for the mouse. But Percy breaks a mirror and the tables are turned.
A Terrytoons cartoon released October 1950. With Little Roquefort.
Little Rocquefort and the resident-cat are engaged in their usual cat-versus-mouse activities when the cat finds and reads a book on hypnotism. He soon has Rocquefort under his spell and has him thinking he is a bird and then a dog. But the last trick has consequences when he brings back a pack of real (cartoon) dogs, and, while the dogs are chasing the cat, the little mouse finds the hypnotism book and turns the tables on the cat.
A Terrytoons cartoon with Little Roquefort.
Little Roquefort is taking a bath while he sings about his sweetheart. Percy shows up and is curious about the picture that Roquefort has. After ridiculing him, his "evil conscience" tells him what's going to happen if the mouse and his girlfriend get hitched and have children. Percy tries to keep Roquefort's lady love away, but in the end, he loses... in more ways than one!
Little Roquefort is enjoying the music from a car-radio to the dismay of Percy Puss who is trying to sleep nearby. Percy takes off after Roquefort and manages to imprison him between the car door-frame and the window. The mouse gets free and falls on the car horn which gets stuck and is blaring loudly. Percy tears the car apart and again goes after Roquefort, and the pair wind up in a runaway car and crashes. The cat winds up in bandages and the hospital but is happy as he foresees a noiseless sleep. His dream is shattered by his hospital room-mate, Roquefort, who turns on the table radio.
As Percy, the cat, is chasing Little Roquefort, the mouse, a small pussycat appears at the front door, and Percy tries to make it an ally. However, the playful pussy likes Roquefort as a playmate, and they team up against Percy. Finally, Percy's mistress, givers his bed to the newcomer, and he shares it with his newly-acquired mouse friend.
Percy the Cat tries to rid his house of Little Roquefort the mouse. When Roquefort finally leaves, Percy realizes that life wasn't so bad with him after all. The escapades that follow to get Roquefort to come back home are hilarious!
The feud between Little Roquefort and the cat gets increasingly intense with explosives and tanks.
Little Roquefort is being chased by the cat. The cat crashes into the catnip, and suddenly Roquefort is his friend, until the catnip wears off. The first time, he brings food, but slips on a banana peel. The second time, the two of them dance, until they crash into the radio. Roquefort then figures out the catnip is to blame, and ties the besotted cat to a rocket, blasting him into the sky. He then hauls the refrigerator into his hole.
Little Roquefort, tired of being chased and torment by the cat of the house, goes to the country to visit his cousin on a farm. There, he finds that life is not all free cheese and that the rooster, chickens and pigs play the 'cat-mouse' game with intent to eliminate the mouse. He quickly returns home and gives the astonished cat a big hug.
The cat and the mouse Little Roquefort meets the canary in this Terrytoons cartoon.
Litle Rocquefort, the mouse named after a cheese, is reading a horror book to his cat pal. A Dr. Jekyll/Mr.Hyde-type character is mixing his evil potion, and needs the tail of a black cat and chooses the one on Roquefort's buddy. The mouse comes to his rescue, and when Dr. Silvana ropes the cat's tail, Roquefort uses his tail to make an electrical short-circuit. After a few more harrowing chases, the mouse finally rescues the cat. The cat's finale act if to make Little Roquefort eat the book.
Little Rocqueford is in the kitchen making a cake and accidentally drops an egg on the cat. The cat is highly offended by this affront to his dignity and, in the mêlées that follows, thinks he has killed Little Roqueford. He then suffers great pangs on conscience when he sees that the cake for for his birthday. But the little Mouse is alive and well and the cat is overjoyed.
Following one of their usual violent fights, the cat thinks he has killed Little Roquefort, and buries him, with a lot of sadness, in a flower pot. The mouse is not dead, of course, and he returns to frighten the cat, and does so to the point he thinks the cat has died. He hasn't and when the cat makes a comeback, they are both scared of each other.
When Percy the Cat attempts to blow up Little Roquefort with a cannon, he is visited by his "good angel." Unknown to the cat, the angel is Little Roquefort in disguise.
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