Mississippi Grind follows the journey of a middle-aged man named Gerry, who is deep in debt due to his gambling addiction. In a chance meeting, he crosses paths with Curtis, a young poker player who seems to have all the luck. Together, they embark on a road trip through the American South, visiting casinos, horse races, and poker games, hoping to turn their luck around. As they bond over their shared love for gambling, their friendship is put to the test as they face their own demons and make risky bets.
In 'Waking Up in Reno,' a married couple from Little Rock, Arkansas, embarks on a road trip to Reno, Nevada, to attend a monster truck show. Along the way, they encounter various misadventures and encounter trouble in their marriage. The trip becomes chaotic as they deal with heavy drinking, prostitutes, fertility tests, and more.
Explores the racial wealth gap in America through the story of People Trust, a homegrown community bank in Little Rock, Arkansas, working to uplift a community that has been largely excluded from the financial engines that create wealth.
The War Room takes viewers inside the campaign headquarters of Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the strategy, challenges, and personalities involved.
In South Pacific, a young nurse falls in love with a Frenchman who is being secretly sent on a dangerous mission. Amidst racial stereotypes and prejudice, they must navigate the challenges of their forbidden love.
A city finds it is in the grips of a ruthless drug kingpin with little hope of any respite. A cop with an unorthodox style loses his partner after he is murdered by the drug lord's henchmen. Tired of the corruption and strife the criminals have brought to the city, our cop takes on the drug lord with the hopes of cleaning u p the town and avenging his partner's death.
Turkey Day, football game, symphony, hair salons and other locations in Okmulgee, OK; Muskogee, OK; near Little Rock, AR; St Louis, MO; and England, AK.
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