Follow the misadventures of Little Lulu, a little girl with a big imagination who often finds herself in funny and unexpected situations.
Little Lulu, torn between playing hookey and going fishing, or going to school, chooses to go fishing...where she encounters the Fish from Cartoon Hades.
Lulu's father, wishing to relive his days as a boyscout and to help Lulu get into the girlscouts, takes his daughter on a camping trip.What follows is hysterical.
Tubby enlists Little Lulu's help in catching frogs, but he doesn't tell her that he wants to sell them to a restaurant.
Little Lulu fantasizes about a birthday party in a candy land.
Lulu fears getting into trouble after accidentally breaking the eggs she was told to get on her way home.
Lulu goes to a department store to exchange her doll for something else. While looking for a new item Lulu manages to terrorize the section manager, ski down the escalators, and cause a noahic flood in the store.
Mamsie catches Lulu making a mess of the kitchen, so she punishes Lulu. When Lulu asks, "How do you know that I made this mess?", the maid says sarcastically, "A little bird told me!" Angered that the bird outside her home snitched to the family's maid, Lulu goes after the bird with her slingshot.
Lulu is babysitting Alvin Jones, a bratty and hyperactive baby. While chasing Alvin through the house, Lulu crashes into a wall and is knocked unconscious when a picture frame falls on her head. This leads into a dream where Lulu is searching for Alvin in a nightclub filled with celebrity babies.
Lulu is angry when she sees her boyfriend Fatso out with another girl. To make it up to Lulu, Fatso promises to marry Lulu when they grow up. However, while carving a love message into a tall tree, Fatso falls out of it and onto a small sapling. He passes out, and dreams of a hellish married life with Lulu, her dog, and their large family of Lulu look-alike daughters.
Lulu plans her revenge against a distressed golfer who refuses to give her a lollipop after he promised her one for caddying for him.
Lulu had a indoor picnic because of the bad weather. The old house was haunted by two ghosts. But the ghosts were mean or scary...
Little Lulu and her dog, Pal, are out walking and playing, but soon run into all manner of problems and situations trying to keep the dog-catcher from catching Pal and sending him to the dog-pound.
In an attempt to prevent his daughter from spending her money needlessly on sweets, Mr. Moppet tells Lulu the story of The Grasshopper and The Ant. Seeing how the grasshopper wasted his money, and could count on no help from the ant, Lulu promises her father that he won't waste her money any more. But the temptation of the local candy store grows too strong, and Lulu buys all of the sweets that she can get hold of in order to "save up for the winter."
Lulu and a friend try everything they can to get their dog to win in a dog show.
Lulu's dream combines "Jack and the Beanstalk" and her favorite superhero comic books.
Lulu goes to see the magic show with the magician's act.Lulu wants to be part of the magic show but she finds trouble. Watch for the gag when Lulu is mistaken as a rabbit in the magician's hat.
Lulu is put on trial by talking musical instruments for neglecting her violin.
For misbehaving, Little Lulu gets a spanking from Daddy with the book "Art of Self Defense" in her pants. In the shower, after being sent to her room, Lulu starts to sing "I'm Just Curious." Later Lulu sneaks out and goes after a chicken hawk who, thinking that he's a stork, tries to get Lulu's chickens from her family's henhouse.