Out of the Blue is a gripping portrayal of a small New Zealand town torn apart by a tragic gun rampage. Based on the true events of the 1990 Aramoana massacre, the film follows the lives of the townspeople as they are confronted with unimaginable violence and loss. Amidst the chaos, the story explores themes of courage, mental illness, and the resilience of the human spirit.
When a newspaper reporter is framed for murder, he must navigate a web of deception and false alibis to prove his innocence and save himself from the electric chair.
In Madness, a man is forced to strip by a group of violent criminals who invade his home. After witnessing the rape of his wife, he is driven to seek vigilante justice and takes matters into his own hands. As the plot unfolds, secrets are revealed, including buried loot and infidelity. The film is a grindhouse-style exploitation flick with elements of giallo and Italian exploitation cinema.
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