LINK CLICK is a thrilling Chinese animated TV show that follows the story of a young photographer who gains the ability to switch bodies with others by clicking his camera. As he navigates through various urban settings, he uncovers a mysterious link between people and a hidden supernatural world. With each click, he unravels the secrets of his own past and uncovers a tragic truth. This episodic series explores themes of memory manipulation, tragedy, and the consequences of altering time, making it an engaging watch for fans of urban fantasy and suspense.
Special Unit 2 is a secret police unit in Chicago that is dedicated to fighting mythical creatures and investigating mysterious events. Led by Detective O'Malley, the team faces various challenges and encounters creatures such as lizard monsters, lake monsters, gnomes, and more. Along the way, they must rely on teamwork and overcome their differences to protect the city from supernatural threats.
A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his fiancée's murder. Guided by a crow, he sets out to seek revenge on the gang responsible for their deaths. As he hunts down and kills each member, he uncovers the truth behind the crime. With the help of a police officer who believes in justice, he confronts the leader of the gang and ultimately achieves his goal. However, his ability to withstand harm is linked to the crow, and when it is injured, he becomes vulnerable. In the end, he sacrifices himself to save a young girl and is reunited with his deceased fiancée in the afterlife.
A story about Anthony, a man recently released from prison who is trying to rebuild his life, getting a job and reconnecting with his ex-girlfriend Jade and their young son. But when Anthony finds himself in a bind, he's forced to consider a return to the criminal life.
Up until now, scientists have been fighting a lost battle on the field of earthquake prediction. A ray of light comes from the animal kingdom.
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