In 2029, an Air Force astronaut crash-lands on a mysterious planet where evolved, talking apes dominate a race of primitive humans. Leo discovers that the world is ruled by humanoid apes who can speak human language and capture members of the primitive human beings as slaves. Leo escapes his cage and frees other humans, eventually leading a rebellion against the apes. He discovers the wreck of his former space station and learns that he was pushed forward in time while the apes took control of the vessel. With the help of a chimp astronaut and the support of Ari, a compassionate chimp, Leo fights against General Thade and escapes the planet, returning to Earth only to find a dystopian future where apes have taken over.
Lions for Lambs follows the intertwined stories of a professor, a journalist, and a senator as they navigate the political landscape and grapple with the consequences of the war on terror. The movie explores themes of manipulation, propaganda, and the complex nature of political negotiations.
Silkwood tells the true story of Karen Silkwood, a worker in a nuclear power plant who becomes an advocate for nuclear safety and exposes the dangerous practices of her employers. As she digs deeper into the corruption, she faces threats and intimidation, but remains determined to bring justice to the workers and protect the public from the hazards of radiation. With the help of her boyfriend and fellow worker, she collects evidence and takes on the powerful forces that seek to silence her.
During World War II, a housing shortage in the United States leads to a chaotic situation when a man and a woman end up sharing an apartment, leading to confusion, deception, and romance.
When a psychiatrist is hired as the President's analyst, he becomes the target of various spy agencies who want to exploit his knowledge. As he navigates through a downward spiral of conspiracy and danger, he must uncover the truth to protect himself and his country.
In the aftermath of the Korean War, an undercover agent investigates a powerful public relations firm involved in murder, deception, and the nuclear arms race. As he delves deeper into the web of intrigue, he realizes that his own life is at risk.
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