Taking Woodstock is a comedy-drama film that follows Elliot Tiber, a struggling young man who inadvertently becomes a part of history when he offers his family's motel to be used as the venue for the famous Woodstock Music Festival in 1969. The film explores the chaotic and transformative events leading up to the festival, as well as the impact it has on Elliot's life and the community of Bethel, New York.
In 1980s Barcelona, an American businessman and his cousin navigate the complexities of love, anti-American sentiment, and personal growth.
Love, Again is a drama and romance movie that explores the themes of adolescent love, husband-wife estrangement, and parents-daughter relationships. The plot follows a family lawyer who finds herself in the picturesque town of Camden, Maine. While managing a beach resort, she encounters various situations including a wedding dress mishap, a yoga class, and meeting her fiancé's parents. As she navigates through her fear of heights, mixed doubles tennis, and reminiscing about past experiences, she also finds love again with a charming dance instructor. This movie captures the ups and downs of relationships, marriage separation, and the journey towards finding true love.
A woman architect is targeted by a psychopathic serial killer. As she delves into the mind of her attacker, she discovers dark secrets and must fight for her life.
Dominik Graf relocates the story of the same name by Henry James from the 19th century to the year 2001.
A Navy lieutenant is sent to investigate a smuggling operation in the Caribbean. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and confrontations as he tries to uncover the truth behind the operation.
Follows the stories of the four men of the Kirby family. As Alex's marriage breaks apart, Toby tries desperately to start a family, and Marty tries to kick-start his faded music career as well as find a meaningful relationship with someone his own age, all three must come to terms with their father's mental state. Cliff, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, is reliving his disturbing memories of the war and his first love, as a part of his experiences of the present . Through all four stories, we uncover a families troubled past, and their struggle towards a reconciled future.
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