In the final installment of the Skywalker saga, Rey learns of the return of Emperor Palpatine. With the help of her friends, she embarks on a mission to find a Sith wayfinder to locate Palpatine's hidden fleet. Along the way, Rey learns about her true lineage and faces off against Kylo Ren. The Resistance must gather allies from across the galaxy to defeat the First Order and bring balance to the Force.
Star Wars: Visions is an animated anthology series that explores the Star Wars universe through a collection of short films. From action-packed battles to cultural explorations, each episode presents a unique and visually stunning story set in a galaxy filled with lightsabers, jedis, Siths, and galactic empires.
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi must save young Leia after she is kidnapped, all the while being pursued by Imperial Inquisitors and his former Padawan now known as Darth Vader.
Two Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, escape a hostile blockade and find a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. They believe he may be the 'Chosen One' who will bring balance to the Force. As they encounter the long dormant Sith, they must navigate political intrigue, a race against time, and epic battles to fulfill the prophecy and save the galaxy.
In LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, Rey travels through time using a time portal and encounters various characters from the Star Wars universe. She learns the true meaning of the holiday season and must find a way to save Life Day, a special celebration for Wookiees.
As the Clone Wars sweep through the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker and his apprentice Ahsoka Tano embark on thrilling adventures battling the forces of the dark side.
The earth is about to be invaded. What fate will our planet suffer? And as if that's not enough, Kalle falls in love with Sheeba, who happens to be the commander of the invading troops.
With his training almost complete, Darth Maul must face six Jedi in order to reach his true potential, and become a Dark Lord of the Sith.
The story of Cal Kestis continues in STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor, a galaxy-spanning, third-person, action-adventure game.
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