In the small town of Derry, Maine, a group of friends on a hunting trip find themselves facing an otherworldly threat when a snowstorm traps them in a cabin. As they struggle to stay alive, they discover that the alien creatures are infecting the townspeople, turning them into violent and dangerous beings. With the help of a mysterious colonel and their childhood friend, they must find a way to stop the infection before it spreads and destroy the alien menace.
In this action-packed drama, a small town sheriff must confront a ruthless motorcycle gang as the world falls into chaos. With supernatural powers and a strong faith, he fights to protect his town and bring justice to those who seek to destroy it.
In Revelation Road 2: The Sea of Glass and Fire, a small town is thrown into chaos when lights appear in the sky and people start disappearing. A motorcycle gang and a brave sheriff must navigate a dangerous and supernatural world to uncover the truth and battle against evil forces. This intense and gripping film explores themes of faith, courage, and the fight for survival.
A misfit teenager, an anxious mother, and a recent widow see their day interrupted by a mysterious natural phenomenon. As their world descends into chaos, the three women struggle to find their place in life.
Aliens from another dimension cross space and time to come to Earth. A scientist tries to discover what their motives are.
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