Legend of the Dragon is an animated series consisting of 26 episodes followed by 13 additional episodes for a total of 39 episodes. It is produced by BKN and premiered in October 2006 as part of the Jetix block on Toon Disney. Subsequently, the two part episode "Trial by Fire" was shown as a Jetix Blockbuster on ABC Family in August before all Jetix programming moved to Toon Disney. In the UK, the first 26 episodes have aired across CBBC. It premiered in Summer 2005 on the CBBC channel. It is unclear of whether the additional 13 episodes will be shown or not. Episodes 27–39 have begun airing in Australia on Network Ten's Toasted TV as of March 19, 2008.
The story is set in the galaxy located near the center of the universe. There are Planet Aernia (a planet for Heroes) and Planet Orbs (a planet for robots), governed by Orbiton, in this same galaxy. Various countries are present in Planet Aernia; they are, Volculm (volcanic country of fire), Zylan (oceanic country of water), Elvan (green-rich country of forest), and Aleum (celestial country of clouds). Antania, is a nucleus of all the present countries. It has an academy that fosters Heroes. Under the reign of the Governor General, Antania upholds a national policy to train Heroes to prevent Planet Aernia to be infringed by the Dark Desire. Heroes are not only the reliable source of battle who have special abilities to freely use the battle discs, but also a symbol of unfailing justice.
In a small elevator, a man and a woman prepare for a night out for two. And now? At night, anything can happen.
The Dream is a short experimental dance film exploring the world of dreams. The 'sleeping' woman is representative of humanity's oblivious state of spiritual ignorance of what is truly real, awakening the spirit where Magic dwells.
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