Mickey and his friends experience a whirlwind which leads to various comedic mishaps and chaos. They deal with a tornado, a cake thrown in someone's face, and the wind blowing off hats. The animated short film showcases their adventures and the humorous situations they find themselves in.
In this animated short film, Mother Goose characters perform in parodies of popular Hollywood movies, including Greta Garbo as Humpty Dumpty and Clarke Gable as Jack and the Beanstalk.
A group of moths invades a costume shop through a badly plugged hole in a window and makes quick work of the contents. A male moth ignores his lady to chow down on a hat and she's soon seduced by a candle flame, which rapidly spreads. He notices her trapped in a spider web with the fire attacking and makes some attempts to save her, but pours benzene on the fire by mistake. The rest of the moths are summoned, and they fight the fire with water-filled bagpipes, an air drop with a water-filled funnel, etc., while our hero works to free his lady from the spider web.
Betty Boop and some friends go to Grampy's house for a party.
A car drives through the snow. Behind the wheel is Nelly. She is thirteen years old. Nelly wants to go home. Separating her from her goal are three questions, two keys, a diving tower and a racing heart.
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