Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is set in a bleak future where cyborg assassins known as Terminators are sent back in time to kill John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance. In order to protect her son, Sarah Connor teams up with a reprogrammed Terminator and together they fight against the machines.
In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy, a loving husband, father and good cop, is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer. In an attempt to sway public opinion, OmniCorp creates RoboCop, a law enforcement product combining man and machine. As RoboCop takes on crime in Detroit, public opinion starts to change. However, when RoboCop discovers the truth about his creation, he seeks revenge on those responsible. With the help of his former partner and other police officers, RoboCop takes down the corrupt CEO of OmniCorp and exposes the truth to the public.
In a dystopian future, a cyborg police officer must battle against corporate crime and organized crime syndicates. With the help of other police officers and a resistance group, he fights to bring justice to a city on the brink of collapse.
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