In Sunset (1988), a corrupt cop frames a movie hero for murder, leading to incarceration and a murder investigation. As the protagonist uncovers corruption within the Hollywood movie industry, they also navigate personal relationships and confront their own demons.
Nina is a drama and romance movie that follows the story of a woman named Nina who is married to an insecure husband. After experiencing a miscarriage, she begins to explore her own desires and questions her sexuality. She meets a woman at a lesbian party and falls in love, leading to a passionate lesbian relationship. As Nina navigates her newfound identity, she also becomes involved in a surrogacy arrangement and faces the challenges of being in a mismatched couple. The movie delves into themes of love, self-discovery, and the complexities of human relationships.
Camp Beaverton is the Home for Wayward Girls, the only queer, all women, trans-inclusive, sex positive theme camp set within Burning Man, an 8-day experimental art festival that encourages radical self expression found deep within the Nevada desert. The Beavers create a safe space to explore their boundaries while they build a community of friendship, trust, and lifelong relationships.
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