Arcane is a mature animated TV show that takes place in the war-torn city of Piltover and the underground of Zaun. It explores the origins of iconic champions from the popular video game League of Legends, featuring a strong-female-lead, magic, supernatural-fantasy, and epic-action.
The Earth has been targeted for invasion by the alien Cthuwulf. A young girl, Nagisa Kano, becomes the key to Earth's defense when she is forced to become the partner of Iczer-One, a lone rebel who is battling the alien invaders.
Twelve Forever follows the adventures of Reggie, a twelve-year-old girl who discovers a magical world where she can stay forever. Along with her friends, Todd and Esther, Reggie must navigate through a dream-like universe filled with action, adventure, and comedy.
The Haunting of Bly Manor follows Dani Clayton, a young American nanny who is hired to care for two orphaned children at the secluded Bly Manor in the English countryside. As Dani settles into her new role, she discovers that the manor holds dark secrets and is haunted by the spirits of the past. She must uncover the truth behind the haunting while navigating her own personal demons and the complexities of love and sacrifice.
The DC universe's premier superhero team are transported to the world of Remnant and turned into teenagers. They must team up with Team RWBY to uncover the mysterious alterations of their planet and defeat a superpowered Grimm.
Iczer-1 needs to stop the Earth invasion by the evil Cthuwulf and she needs to now find a partner to defeat the forces of evil.
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