A police unit, consisting of one male and two females, must solve a series of crimes while dealing with various comedic situations and a masked robber. This spoof and parody film features a mix of comedy, montages, and erotic elements, including scenes of topless sunbathing, a dominatrix, a male sex slave, and sexual fantasies. The plot also revolves around a quiz show host, an office party, and various relationships between colleagues. With its sex comedy theme, the movie explores relationships, sexuality, and humor.
Fiona meets Cory in New Orleans, and the two spend time rubbing in suntan oil on the Gulf Coast. Cory has never been with a woman before, but she moves in with Fiona, not realising that she keeps a sex diary and has a very active life in that area. One day Cory finds the diary and enjoys heating herself up and fantasising while she reads it. She also has very artsy and elusive erotic dreams herself. When Fiona's masseuse Adrienne arrives, Cory watches them together, and eventually, the three women end up in a threesome.
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