A tormented teenager named Tara discovers a dark truth behind a curse that has plagued her family for generations. They experience nightmares, murderous impulses, and visions of Lizzie Borden, their ancestor, who urges them to commit murder. As Tara's suspicions grow, she investigates the curse and its connection to her mother, Emily, who may be the murderer. When Tara's aunt Diane reveals that Emily experienced the same curse, Tara decides to visit Borden House with her boyfriend Carl. There, she learns that Lizzie's skills as a seamstress may be a trigger for the curse. As the truth unravels, Tara discovers that her mother is the true killer and that Emily had also killed Diane's baby. In a final confrontation, Emily is shot by the police, but the film ends with Tara's brother indicating that he may be a victim of the same curse.
The relationship between two best friends is forever changed during the course of one eventful night.
Pisko's father is a crab while her mother is human. Pisko falls in love with her teacher but is heartbroken when he leaves her because she is half-crab. Pisko finally finds love and companionship with her friend Kubokayo.
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