Love Is All You Need is a heartwarming comedy-drama that takes place in a small seaside town in Italy. The story revolves around a hairdresser named Ida, who is recovering from breast cancer and recent infidelity by her husband. During her son's wedding in Sorrento, she meets a grieving widower named Philip. As they navigate the ups and downs of life and love, they find solace and happiness in each other's company. With the backdrop of picturesque lemon tree groves and an enchanting romance, Love Is All You Need is a touching and heartwarming film that reminds us that love can be found in unexpected places.
Lemon Tree is a drama film that tells the story of a Palestinian widow named Salma Zidane who lives on the West Bank. When the Israeli Defense Minister moves in next door and decides to cut down Salma's lemon tree grove due to security concerns, she takes her case to the Israeli Supreme Court. The film explores themes of oppression, resistance, and the power of hope.
When aspiring travel photographer Beck decides to enter a prestigious photography competition, she heads to sunny Serenity island. Staying at the town’s charming Lemon Tree Farm, Beck meets gruff but handsome owner Joshua, and the pair strike a deal: he’ll help her discover the town’s hidden gems if she helps with the farm’s PR. Working together is no walk in the park to begin, but sparks soon fly when they discover they have more in common than they first thought… Could love be in the air, or will one big secret ruin the fledgling romance?
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