How to Irritate People is a British comedy film that consists of a series of sketches and skits that satirize different aspects of society and human interactions. The film features an ensemble cast of comedians and uses absurd comedy, physical comedy, and surrealism to create humorous situations. The sketches range from a job interview with an incompetent applicant to a quiz show where the contestants are constantly interrupted and irritated. With its irreverent humor and witty satire, How to Irritate People is a hilarious and entertaining watch.
Chop Shop (2007) tells the story of an orphaned boy named Alejandro, who lives and works in a chop shop in Queens, New York City. He dreams of saving enough money to buy a food truck and start his own business. However, his plans are jeopardized when his sister Isamar runs away and he must find a way to support them both.
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