Rust and Bone is a gripping French film that explores the themes of love, loss, and redemption. The movie follows the story of Ali, a struggling single father who falls in love with Stéphanie, a beautiful killer whale trainer who suffers a tragic accident and loses both her legs. As they navigate their own personal challenges, they form an unlikely bond that helps them find hope and healing.
In House of the Dead 2, a group of soldiers find themselves trapped on an island overrun by zombies. They must fight for their lives and find a way to escape. The movie is a thrilling survival horror filled with action and suspense.
In this avant-garde short film, a man with a leg amputation interacts with an incompetent nurse in a single location. The film explores themes of unhappiness and the color black.
A peasant girl goes to great lengths to protect her child in 19th century Vienna. The film is considered lost, and only four minutes of footage are known to remain.
Since the uprising of a pro Russian insurgency in eastern Ukraine in 2014, hundreds of women joined the army. Only a few made it to the front line. Filmmaker Masha embeds herself in the war zone to follow the daily life of three of them. By sharing the intimacy of these fighters, Masha soon becomes a victim of this brotherhood conflict jeopardizing this film and her life.
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