Titans follows the adventures of a group of young superheroes as they come together to fight crime and discover their true identities and powers. Based on the DC Comics Teen Titans, the show explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and family. As they face various villains and navigate the challenges of being teenage superheroes, the team learns the importance of acceptance and teamwork.
After a black alien symbiote bonds with Peter Parker, he must face inner turmoil and new challenges, including villains and revenge.
In the year 2039, Gotham City has become a high-tech metropolis plagued by crime. When a new Batman is needed, teenage Terry McGinnis takes on the mantle under the mentorship of the retired Bruce Wayne. Together, they face off against super villains, unravel mysteries, and fight for justice.
After the events of Avengers: Endgame, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities and their patience.
The New Batman Adventures follows the crime-fighting adventures of Batman and his allies, including Nightwing, Robin, and Batgirl, as they battle the various villains of Gotham City. Set in the 1990s, the show explores themes of vigilantism, urban decay, and heroism.
In the year 2008, a former cop is chosen to drive a highly advanced car capable of incredible speed, artificial intelligence, and a formidable arsenal, helping him and his team in their mission to fight crime.
In a dystopian future, Batman comes out of retirement to fight crime once again, taking on his old enemies and a new generation of criminals. As the city descends into chaos, Batman must confront his own inner demons and face the consequences of his actions.
In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2, Batman faces off against old enemies like the Joker and new threats like Superman as he tries to protect Gotham City. With the help of allies like Robin and Green Arrow, Batman battles against evil and fights to save the city he loves.
In the year 2040, Terry McGinnis takes up the mantle of Batman under the mentorship of an older Bruce Wayne. When the Joker returns to wreak havoc on Gotham City, Batman must uncover the truth behind the clown's resurrection and stop him before he unleashes chaos on the city. With the help of familiar allies and facing off against dangerous villains, Batman learns the importance of embracing his legacy and saving the day.
When Batwoman enters the Gotham City crime scene, Batman must uncover her true identity and motives before things escalate.
In the interwar period of 1938, a masked hero known as The Phantom fights against gangsters and villains who seek a powerful treasure. With his secret identity and supernatural powers, The Phantom embarks on an action-packed adventure to protect the treasure and avenge his father's death.
In a city-state plagued by crime and dystopia, a teenage superhero known as Phantom fights against evil using his cybernetics abilities. With the guidance of his mentor, he carries on the legacy of his superhero family and protects the city from villainess forces.
Kit Secord receives a surprise package on her birthday revealing that she's next in line to become the Rocketeer, a legendary superhero who has the ability to fly with the help of a rocket-powered jet pack. Armed with her cool new gear and secret identity, Kit is ready to take flight and save the day with her gadget-minded best friend, Tesh, and airplane-mechanic uncle, Ambrose, who join her on epic adventures.
Tabitha Stephens is the daughter of the bewitching Samantha and her mortal husband, Darrin Stephens. As a young, single working witch, Tabitha adds a little magic and fun to the lives of her relatives and friends.
In Batman vs. Robin, Batman faces a tough challenge when his own son, Robin, starts to question his methods and allies with the Court of Owls, a secret society in Gotham City. As Batman tries to bring Robin back to the right path, they both encounter the dangerous Dollmaker and face numerous obstacles that test their father-son bond.
Set in a dystopian Gotham City, an aging Batman comes out of retirement to fight crime and face his old foe, The Joker. The Dark Knight's return sparks a chain of events that forces him to confront his own morality and question the society he swore to protect.
Ace Ventura Jr: Pet Detective follows the hilarious journey of Ace Ventura's son, who is determined to follow in his father's footsteps and become a pet detective. When a baby animal is stolen from the local zoo, Ace Jr. must use his wit and unique detective skills to track down the culprits and bring the animal back safely. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and learns valuable life lessons.
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow is an animated film about a group of young heroes who must step up and take on the responsibility of being the next generation of Avengers. With the world in danger, they must learn to work together and use their unique powers to defeat a powerful enemy. Along the way, they discover the importance of teamwork and the legacy of their superhero parents.
Watchmen: Motion Comic is a TV show adaptation of the iconic comic book series Watchmen, featuring masked vigilantes, cold-war tension, and a master plan that threatens the world. Set in an alternate history in the year 1985, retired superheroes come together to investigate a murder and uncover a conspiracy that could lead to nuclear war. With moral ambiguity, nonlinear storytelling, and complex characters, Watchmen: Motion Comic explores the themes of justice, morality, and the nature of heroes.
After Batman's secret son Damian is brought back to life, he must face his destiny as the new Robin and help his father take down the Society of Assassins.