All Monsters Attack (1969) follows a young boy named Ichiro who is constantly being bullied. To escape his troubles, Ichiro daydreams about visiting Monster Island, where he befriends the giant monster Godzilla. Together, they face off against other monstrous creatures and ultimately teach Ichiro valuable life lessons.
In this third installment of the Feast series, the survivors of the monster attack must escape from an underground sewer and face new threats, including a mysterious prophet. The movie features intense action sequences, dark humor, and horrifying creatures.
A group of friends have trained themselves in martial arts. One of the gang is in hospital so when the hospital is taken over by a group of terrorists, the kids take on the rebels.
Upon visiting a secluded summer home, four high school girls are soon targeted by a horrific creature in the basement with a knowing housekeeper trying to keep the unspeakable heap secret and at bay using a flute.
CIA Agent Harry is bitten by a man who was part of a deadly experiment involving the ability to withstand pain. The bacterium has a virus, causing the victim to become a zombie. Upon Harry's arrival in Hong Kong, after rejection from his ex-girlfriend, the virus begins to take effect. He kills a call girl and is arrested after a gang fight. When he is in prison, Harry transforms into a Zombie King and transforms nearly an entire Triad gang into his personal horde. Soon, the police department becomes a House of the Dead. It's up to a police officer named Marco, Harry's ex, and a Triad member named Cheap to stop them before it's too late.
Farina plans a going-away party for Stymie as authorities prepare to place him in an orphanage.
Fatty and Al are Minta's suitors. After Fatty sics his dog on him, Al marks Fatty for roughing up by two thugs, but the plan backfires.
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