The Queen of Versailles is a documentary that follows the journey of a wealthy couple, David and Jackie Siegel, as they build the largest single-family home in the United States. However, their extravagant lifestyle is abruptly disrupted by the 2008 financial crisis, leading to their struggle with bankruptcy and the subsequent impact on their family dynamics. Through a candid and often shocking lens, the film explores themes of wealth, debt, family, and the consequences of pursuing the American dream.
The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice follows a couple with a strained marriage who find their relationship further tested when their niece comes to stay with them. Set in Tokyo, Japan, the film explores themes of arranged marriage, marital tensions, and the generation gap. Through a series of events involving singing war songs, smoking cigarettes, and gossip, the couple must confront their own feelings and the societal pressure to conform. Pachinko parlors, leftover food, and the backdrop of a kitchen play important roles in the story, as the couple's secrets and suspicions unravel.
Last night's leftovers are presented with a cold reality. A massive ice block has invaded the refrigerator and is swallowing the food one item at a time. In an epic struggle for their survival, Spaghetti, Ham Sandwich, and Celery embark on a journey to the refrigerator's temperature control knob.
A magician who used to perform on Easter faces the remnants of his former life and must find a way to move forward.
In director Norith Soth's modern retelling of Franz Kafka's classic tale, young Tom Gregor wants nothing more than to support and serve his family -- a mission that falters when he's overcome by a mysterious illness. With his parents too old to work and his younger sister turning to prostitution, things go from bad to worse when Tom's abusive boss fires him -- but then continues to show up at his house -- and his health fails to improve.
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